
LLI(1)                           User Commands                          LLI(1)

       lli - manual page for lli 9

       OVERVIEW: llvm interpreter & dynamic compiler

       USAGE: lli [options] <input bitcode> <program arguments>...


       Color Options:

       --color                                            - Use colors in out-
              put (default=autodetect)

       General options:

       -O=<char>                                             -    Optimization
              level. [-O0, -O1, -O2, or -O3] (default = '-O2')

       --aarch64-neon-syntax=<value>                       -  Choose  style of
              NEON code to emit from AArch64 backend:

              -   Emit generic NEON assembly

       =apple -   Emit Apple-style NEON assembly

       --addrsig                                           -   Emit   an   ad-
              dress-significance table

       --amdgpu-disable-loop-alignment                     -  Do not align and
              prefetch loops

       --amdgpu-disable-power-sched                       - Disable scheduling
              to minimize mAI power bursts

       --amdgpu-dpp-combine                                -  Enable  DPP com-

       --amdgpu-dump-hsa-metadata                         -  Dump  AMDGPU  HSA

       --amdgpu-enable-global-sgpr-addr                   - Enable use of SGPR
              regs for GLOBAL LOAD/STORE instructions

       --amdgpu-enable-merge-m0                           - Merge and hoist M0

       --amdgpu-sdwa-peephole                              - Enable SDWA peep-

       --amdgpu-spill-sgpr-to-smem                        - Use scalar  stores
              to spill SGPRs if supported by subtarget

       --amdgpu-verify-hsa-metadata                        - Verify AMDGPU HSA

       --amdgpu-vgpr-index-mode                           - Use  GPR  indexing
              mode instead of movrel for vector indexing

       --arm-add-build-attributes                         -

       --arm-implicit-it=<value>                           - Allow conditional
              instructions outdside of an IT block

              -   Accept in both ISAs, emit implicit ITs in Thumb

       =never -   Warn in ARM, reject in Thumb

       =arm   -   Accept in ARM, reject in Thumb

       =thumb -   Warn in ARM, emit implicit ITs in Thumb

       --asm-show-inst                                    - Emit internal  in-
              struction representation to assembly file

       --atomic-counter-update-promoted                    - Do counter update
       using atomic fetch add
              for promoted counters only

       --bounds-checking-single-trap                      - Use one trap block
              per function

       --code-model=<value>                               - Choose code model

       =tiny  -   Tiny code model

       =small -   Small code model

              -   Kernel code model

              -   Medium code model

       =large -   Large code model

       --compile-threads=<uint>                            - Choose the number
              of compile threads (jit-kind=orc-lazy only)

       --cost-kind=<value>                                - Target cost kind

              -   Reciprocal throughput

              -   Instruction latency

              -   Code size

       --cvp-dont-add-nowrap-flags                        -

       --data-sections                                     -  Emit  data  into
              separate sections

       --debug-entry-values                                -  Emit  debug info
              about parameter's entry values

       --debugger-tune=<value>                            -  Tune  debug  info
              for a particular debugger

       =gdb   -   gdb

       =lldb  -   lldb

       =sce   -   SCE targets (e.g. PS4)

       --denormal-fp-math=<value>                          -  Select which de-
              normal numbers the code is permitted to require

       =ieee  -   IEEE 754 denormal numbers

              -   the sign of a  flushed-to-zero number is  preserved  in  the
              sign of 0

              -   denormals are flushed to positive zero

       --disable-lazy-compilation                          -  Disable JIT lazy

       --disable-promote-alloca-to-lds                     -  Disable  promote
              alloca to LDS

       --disable-promote-alloca-to-vector                  -  Disable  promote
              alloca to vector

       --disable-tail-calls                               -  Never  emit  tail

       --do-counter-promotion                              - Do counter regis-
              ter promotion

       --dwarf-version=<int>                              - Dwarf version

       --emscripten-cxx-exceptions-whitelist=<string>     - The list of  func-
              tion  names  in which Emscripten-style exception handling is en-
              abled (see emscripten EMSCRIPTEN_CATCHING_WHITELIST options)

       --emulated-tls                                     - Use  emulated  TLS

       --enable-cache-manager                              - Use cache manager
              to save/load modules

       --enable-cse-in-irtranslator                       - Should enable  CSE
              in irtranslator

       --enable-cse-in-legalizer                           - Should enable CSE
              in Legalizer

       --enable-emscripten-cxx-exceptions                  -  WebAssembly  Em-
              scripten-style exception handling

       --enable-emscripten-sjlj                            -  WebAssembly  Em-
              scripten-style setjmp/longjmp handling

       --enable-gvn-memdep                                -

       --enable-load-pre                                  -

       --enable-loop-simplifycfg-term-folding             -

       --enable-name-compression                          - Enable name string

       --enable-no-infs-fp-math                           - Enable FP math op-
              timizations that assume no +-Infs

       --enable-no-nans-fp-math                           - Enable FP math op-
              timizations that assume no NaNs

       --enable-no-signed-zeros-fp-math                   - Enable FP math op-
              timizations that assume the sign of 0 is insignificant

       --enable-no-trapping-fp-math                       - Enable setting the
              FP exceptions build attribute not to use exceptions

       --enable-unsafe-fp-math                             -  Enable optimiza-
              tions that may decrease FP precision

       --entry-function=<function>                        - Specify the  entry
              function (default = 'main') of the executable

       --exception-model=<value>                          - exception model

              -   default exception handling model

       =dwarf -   DWARF-like CFI based exception handling

       =sjlj  -   SjLj exception handling

       =arm   -   ARM EHABI exceptions

       =wineh -   Windows exception model

       =wasm  -   WebAssembly exception handling

       --expensive-combines                                -  Enable expensive
              instruction combines

       --extra-archive=<input  archive>                     -  Extra   archive
              files to be loaded

       --extra-module=<input  bitcode>                      - Extra modules to
              be loaded

       --extra-object=<input object>                      - Extra object files
              to be loaded

       --fake-argv0=<executable>                            -   Override   the
              'argv[0]' value passed into the executing program

       --fatal-warnings                                   - Treat warnings  as

       --filetype=<value>                                 - Choose a file type
              (not all types are supported by all targets):

       =asm   -   Emit an assembly ('.s') file

       =obj   -   Emit a native object ('.o') file

       =null  -   Emit nothing, for performance testing

       --float-abi=<value>                                - Choose  float  ABI

              -   Target default float ABI type

       =soft  -   Soft float ABI (implied by -soft-float)

       =hard  -   Hard float ABI (uses FP registers)

       --force-interpreter                                 - Force interpreta-
              tion: disable JIT

       --fp-contract=<value>                              - Enable  aggressive
              formation of fused FP ops

       =fast  -   Fuse FP ops whenever profitable

       =on    -   Only fuse 'blessed' FP ops.

       =off   -   Only fuse FP ops when the result won't be affected.

       --frame-pointer=<value>                              -   Specify  frame
              pointer elimination optimization

       =all   -   Disable frame pointer elimination

              -   Disable frame pointer elimination for non-leaf frame

       =none  -   Enable frame pointer elimination

       --function-sections                                 -  Emit   functions
              into separate sections

       --gpsize=<uint>                                    - Global Pointer Ad-
       dressing Size.
              The default size is 8.

       --hash-based-counter-split                          -  Rename   counter
              variable of a comdat function based on cfg hash

       --import-all-index                                  - Import all exter-
              nal functions in index.

       --incremental-linker-compatible                     -  When  used  with
              filetype=obj,  emit an object file which can be used with an in-
              cremental linker

       --instcombine-code-sinking                         - Enable code  sink-

       --instcombine-guard-widening-window=<uint>          -  How  wide an in-
              struction window to bypass looking for another guard

       --instcombine-max-num-phis=<uint>                   -  Maximum   number
              phis to handle in intptr/ptrint folding

       --instcombine-maxarray-size=<uint>                 - Maximum array size
              considered when doing a combine

       --instrprof-atomic-counter-update-all              - Make  all  profile
              counter updates atomic (for testing only)

       --internalize-public-api-file=<filename>            - A file containing
              list of symbol names to preserve

       --internalize-public-api-list=<list>               - A list  of  symbol
              names to preserve

       --iterative-counter-promotion                      - Allow counter pro-
              motion across the whole loop nest.

       --jd=<string>                                      - Specifies the JIT-
              Dylib to be used for any subsequent -extra-module arguments.

       --jit-kind=<value>                                  - Choose underlying
              JIT kind.

              -   MCJIT

              -   Orc-based MCJIT replacement (deprecated)

              -   Orc-based lazy JIT.

       --load=<pluginfilename>                            - Load the specified

       --lto-pass-remarks-filter=<regex>                   - Only record opti-
              mization remarks from passes whose names match the given regular

       --lto-pass-remarks-format=<format>                  -  The  format used
              for serializing remarks (default: YAML)

       --lto-pass-remarks-output=<filename>                -  Output  filename
              for pass remarks

       --march=<string>                                    -  Architecture  to
              generate code for (see --version)

       --mattr=<a1,+a2,-a3,...>                            -  Target  specific
              attributes (-mattr=help for details)

       --max-counter-promotions=<int>                      - Max number of al-
              lowed counter promotions

       --max-counter-promotions-per-loop=<uint>           - Max number counter
              promotions  per  loop  to avoid increasing register pressure too

       --mc-relax-all                                      -  When  used  with
              filetype=obj, relax all fixups in the emitted object file

       --mcjit-remote-process=<filename>                   - Specify the file-
       name of the process to launch for remote MCJIT execution.
              If  none  is  specified,  remote  execution  will  be  simulated

       --mcpu=<cpu-name>                                   - Target a specific
              cpu type (-mcpu=help for details)

       --meabi=<value>                                    - Set EABI type (de-
              fault depends on triple):

              -   Triple default EABI version

       =4     -   EABI version 4

       =5     -   EABI version 5

       =gnu   -   EABI GNU

       --memop-size-large=<uint>                           -  Set  large value
              thresthold in memory intrinsic size profiling. Value of  0  dis-
              ables the large value profiling.

       --memop-size-range=<string>                         -  Set the range of
              size in memory intrinsic calls to be profiled  precisely,  in  a
              format of <start_val>:<end_val>

       --merror-missing-parenthesis                        - Error for missing
              parenthesis around predicate registers

       --merror-noncontigious-register                    - Error for register
              names that aren't contigious

       --mhvx                                               -  Enable  Hexagon
              Vector eXtensions

       --mhvx=<value>                                      -  Enable   Hexagon
              Vector eXtensions

       =v60   -   Build for HVX v60

       =v62   -   Build for HVX v62

       =v65   -   Build for HVX v65

       =v66   -   Build for HVX v66

       --mips-compact-branches=<value>                      -  MIPS  Specific:
              Compact branch policy.

              -   Do not use compact branches if possible.

              -   Use compact branches where appropiate (default).

              -   Always use compact branches if possible.

       --mips16-constant-islands                          - Enable mips16 con-
              stant islands.

       --mips16-hard-float                                - Enable mips16 hard

       --mno-compound                                      -  Disable  looking
              for compound instructions for Hexagon

       --mno-fixup                                         - Disable fixing up
              resolved relocations for Hexagon

       --mno-ldc1-sdc1                                    - Expand double pre-
              cision loads and stores to their single precision counterparts

       --mno-pairing                                       -  Disable  looking
              for duplex instructions for Hexagon

       --mtriple=<string>                                  -  Override  target
              triple for module

       --mwarn-missing-parenthesis                         -  Warn for missing
              parenthesis around predicate registers

       --mwarn-noncontigious-register                     - Warn for  register
              names that arent contigious

       --mwarn-sign-mismatch                              - Warn for mismatch-
              ing a signed and unsigned value

       --no-deprecated-warn                               - Suppress all  dep-
              recated warnings

       --no-discriminators                                - Disable generation
              of discriminator information.

       --no-warn                                          - Suppress all warn-

       --nozero-initialized-in-bss                           -   Don't   place
              zero-initialized symbols into bss section

       --nvptx-sched4reg                                   -  NVPTX  Specific:
              schedule for register pressue

       --object-cache-dir=<string>                        - Directory to store
              cached object files (must be user writable)

       --per-module-lazy                                  - Performs lazy com-
              pilation on whole module boundaries rather than individual func-

       --pie-copy-relocations                             - PIE  Copy  Reloca-

       --poison-checking-function-local                   - Check that returns
              are non-poison (for testing)

       --r600-ir-structurize                              - Use StructurizeCFG
              IR pass

       --rdf-dump                                         -

       --rdf-limit=<uint>                                 -

       --relax-elf-relocations                               -    Emit    GOT-
              PCRELX/REX_GOTPCRELX instead of GOTPCREL on x86-64 ELF

       --relocation-model=<value>                         - Choose  relocation

              -   Non-relocatable code

       =pic   -   Fully relocatable, position independent code

              -   Relocatable external references, non-relocatable code

       =ropi  -   Code and read-only data relocatable, accessed PC-relative

       =rwpi  -    Read-write  data  relocatable,  accessed relative to static

              -   Combination of ropi and rwpi

       --remarks-section                                   -  Emit  a  section
              containing remark diagnostics metadata

       --remote-mcjit                                      -  Execute MCJIT'ed
              code in a separate process.

       --safepoint-ir-verifier-print-only                 -

       --sample-profile-check-record-coverage=<N>         - Emit a warning  if
              less  than N% of records in the input profile are matched to the

       --sample-profile-check-sample-coverage=<N>         - Emit a warning  if
              less  than N% of samples in the input profile are matched to the

       --sample-profile-max-propagate-iterations=<uint>   - Maximum number  of
              iterations  to  go  through  when  propagating sample block/edge
              weights through the CFG.

       --soft-float                                       - Generate  software
              floating point library calls

       --speculative-counter-promotion-max-exiting=<uint>  - The max number of
       exiting blocks of a loop to allow
              speculative counter promotion

       --speculative-counter-promotion-to-loop            - When the option is
       false,  if  the target block is in a loop, the promotion will be disal-
       lowed unless the promoted counter
              update can be further/iteratively promoted into an acyclic   re-

       --stack-alignment=<uint>                            -  Override default
              stack alignment

       --stack-size-section                                -  Emit  a  section
              containing stack size metadata

       --stack-symbol-ordering                             - Order local stack

       --stackrealign                                     -  Force  align  the
              stack to the minimum alignment

       --summary-file=<string>                             -  The summary file
              to use for function importing.

       --tailcallopt                                      - Turn fastcc  calls
              into tail calls by (potentially) changing ABI.

       --thread-entry=<string>                             -  calls  the given
              entry-point on a new thread (jit-kind=orc-lazy only)

       --thread-model=<value>                             -  Choose  threading

              -   POSIX thread model

              -   Single thread model

       --threads=<int>                                    -

       --time-trace-granularity=<uint>                    - Minimum time gran-
              ularity (in microseconds) traced by time profiler

       --unique-section-names                             - Give unique  names
              to every section

       --use-ctors                                        - Use .ctors instead
              of .init_array.

       --verify-region-info                               - Verify region info
              (time consuming)

       --vp-counters-per-site=<number>                    - The average number
              of profile counters allocated per value profiling site.

       --vp-static-alloc                                  - Do static  counter
              allocation for value profiler

       Generic Options:

       --help                                              - Display available
              options (--help-hidden for more)

       --help-list                                        -  Display  list  of
              available options (--help-list-hidden for more)

       --version                                           -  Display the ver-
              sion of this program

lli 9                            October 2020                           LLI(1)

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