
calendar(3erl)             Erlang Module Definition             calendar(3erl)

       calendar - Local and universal time, day of the week, date and time

       This  module  provides  computation of local and universal time, day of
       the week, and many time conversion functions.

       Time is local when it is adjusted in accordance with the  current  time
       zone  and  daylight saving. Time is universal when it reflects the time
       at longitude zero, without any adjustment for daylight saving.  Univer-
       sal  Coordinated  Time  (UTC)  time  is also called Greenwich Mean Time

       The time functions local_time/0 and  universal_time/0  in  this  module
       both  return date and time. This is because separate functions for date
       and time can result in a date/time combination that is displaced by  24
       hours.  This  occurs if one of the functions is called before midnight,
       and the other after midnight. This problem also applies to  the  Erlang
       BIFs  date/0 and time/0, and their use is strongly discouraged if a re-
       liable date/time stamp is required.

       All dates conform to the Gregorian calendar. This calendar  was  intro-
       duced  by  Pope Gregory XIII in 1582 and was used in all Catholic coun-
       tries from this year. Protestant parts of Germany and  the  Netherlands
       adopted  it  in 1698, England followed in 1752, and Russia in 1918 (the
       October revolution of 1917 took place in November according to the Gre-
       gorian calendar).

       The Gregorian calendar in this module is extended back to year 0. For a
       given date, the gregorian days is the number of days up to and  includ-
       ing  the  date specified. Similarly, the gregorian seconds for a speci-
       fied date and time is the number of seconds up  to  and  including  the
       specified date and time.

       For  computing  differences  between  epochs in time, use the functions
       counting gregorian days or seconds. If epochs are  specified  as  local
       time, they must be converted to universal time to get the correct value
       of the elapsed time between epochs. Use of  function  time_difference/2
       is discouraged.

       Different  definitions exist for the week of the year. This module con-
       tains a week of the year implementation  conforming  to  the  ISO  8601
       standard.  As the week number for a specified date can fall on the pre-
       vious, the current, or on the next year, it  is  important  to  specify
       both  the  year  and  the  week number. Functions iso_week_number/0 and
       iso_week_number/1 return a tuple of the year and the week number.

       datetime() = {date(), time()}

       datetime1970() = {{year1970(), month(), day()}, time()}

       date() = {year(), month(), day()}

       year() = integer() >= 0

              Year cannot be abbreviated. For example, 93 denotes year 93, not
              1993.  The  valid range depends on the underlying operating sys-
              tem. The date tuple must denote a valid date.

       year1970() = 1970..10000

       month() = 1..12

       day() = 1..31

       time() = {hour(), minute(), second()}

       hour() = 0..23

       minute() = 0..59

       second() = 0..59

       daynum() = 1..7

       ldom() = 28 | 29 | 30 | 31

       yearweeknum() = {year(), weeknum()}

       weeknum() = 1..53

       date_to_gregorian_days(Date) -> Days

       date_to_gregorian_days(Year, Month, Day) -> Days


                 Date = date()
                 Year = year()
                 Month = month()
                 Day = day()

              Computes the number of gregorian days starting with year  0  and
              ending at the specified date.

       datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(DateTime) -> Seconds


                 DateTime = datetime()
                 Seconds = integer() >= 0

              Computes  the  number  of gregorian seconds starting with year 0
              and ending at the specified date and time.

       day_of_the_week(Date) -> daynum()

       day_of_the_week(Year, Month, Day) -> daynum()


                 Date = date()
                 Year = year()
                 Month = month()
                 Day = day()

              Computes the day of the week from the specified Year, Month, and
              Day.  Returns  the day of the week as 1: Monday, 2: Tuesday, and
              so on.

       gregorian_days_to_date(Days) -> date()


                 Days = integer() >= 0

              Computes the date from the specified number of gregorian days.

       gregorian_seconds_to_datetime(Seconds) -> datetime()


                 Seconds = integer() >= 0

              Computes the date and time from the specified number  of  grego-
              rian seconds.

       is_leap_year(Year) -> boolean()


                 Year = year()

              Checks if the specified year is a leap year.

       iso_week_number() -> yearweeknum()

              Returns  tuple  {Year, WeekNum} representing the ISO week number
              for the actual date. To determine the actual date, use  function

       iso_week_number(Date) -> yearweeknum()


                 Date = date()

              Returns  tuple  {Year, WeekNum} representing the ISO week number
              for the specified date.

       last_day_of_the_month(Year, Month) -> LastDay


                 Year = year()
                 Month = month()
                 LastDay = ldom()

              Computes the number of days in a month.

       local_time() -> datetime()

              Returns the local time reported by the underlying operating sys-

       local_time_to_universal_time(DateTime1) -> DateTime2


                 DateTime1 = DateTime2 = datetime1970()

              Converts  from  local  time to Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
              DateTime1 must refer to a local date after Jan 1, 1970.

              This   function   is   deprecated.   Use   local_time_to_univer-
              sal_time_dst/1  instead, as it gives a more correct and complete
              result. Especially for the period that does not exist, as it  is
              skipped during the switch to daylight saving time, this function
              still returns a result.

       local_time_to_universal_time_dst(DateTime1) -> [DateTime]


                 DateTime1 = DateTime = datetime1970()

              Converts from local time to Universal  Coordinated  Time  (UTC).
              DateTime1 must refer to a local date after Jan 1, 1970.

              The return value is a list of 0, 1, or 2 possible UTC times:

                  For a local {Date1, Time1} during the period that is skipped
                  when switching to daylight saving time, there is  no  corre-
                  sponding UTC, as the local time is illegal (it has never oc-

                [DstDateTimeUTC, DateTimeUTC]:
                  For a local {Date1, Time1} during the  period  that  is  re-
                  peated  when switching from daylight saving time, two corre-
                  sponding UTCs exist; one for the first instance of  the  pe-
                  riod  when daylight saving time is still active, and one for
                  the second instance.

                  For all other local times only one corresponding UTC exists.

       now_to_datetime(Now) -> datetime1970()


                 Now = erlang:timestamp()

              Returns Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) converted from the  re-
              turn value from erlang:timestamp/0.

       now_to_local_time(Now) -> datetime1970()


                 Now = erlang:timestamp()

              Returns local date and time converted from the return value from

       now_to_universal_time(Now) -> datetime1970()


                 Now = erlang:timestamp()

              Returns Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) converted from the  re-
              turn value from erlang:timestamp/0.

       rfc3339_to_system_time(DateTimeString) -> integer()

       rfc3339_to_system_time(DateTimeString, Options) -> integer()


                 DateTimeString = rfc3339_string()
                 Options = [Option]
                 Option = {unit, rfc3339_time_unit()}
                 rfc3339_string() = [byte(), ...]
                 rfc3339_time_unit() =
                     microsecond | millisecond | nanosecond | second

              Converts an RFC 3339 timestamp into system time. The data format
              of RFC 3339 timestamps is described by RFC 3339.

              Valid option:

                {unit, Unit}:
                  The time unit of the return value. The default is second.

              1> calendar:rfc3339_to_system_time("2018-02-01T16:17:58+01:00").
              2> calendar:rfc3339_to_system_time("2018-02-01 15:18:02.088Z", [{unit, nanosecond}]).

       seconds_to_daystime(Seconds) -> {Days, Time}


                 Seconds = Days = integer()
                 Time = time()

              Converts a specified number of seconds into  days,  hours,  min-
              utes, and seconds. Time is always non-negative, but Days is neg-
              ative if argument Seconds is.

       seconds_to_time(Seconds) -> time()


                 Seconds = secs_per_day()
                 secs_per_day() = 0..86400

              Computes the time from the specified number of seconds.  Seconds
              must be less than the number of seconds per day (86400).

       system_time_to_local_time(Time, TimeUnit) -> datetime()


                 Time = integer()
                 TimeUnit = erlang:time_unit()

              Converts a specified system time into local date and time.

       system_time_to_rfc3339(Time) -> DateTimeString

       system_time_to_rfc3339(Time, Options) -> DateTimeString


                 Time = integer()
                 Options = [Option]
                 Option =
                     {offset, offset()} |
                     {time_designator, byte()} |
                     {unit, rfc3339_time_unit()}
                 DateTimeString = rfc3339_string()
                 offset() = [byte()] | (Time :: integer())
                 rfc3339_string() = [byte(), ...]
                 rfc3339_time_unit() =
                     microsecond | millisecond | nanosecond | second

              Converts a system time into an RFC 3339 timestamp. The data for-
              mat of RFC 3339 timestamps is described by RFC  3339.  The  data
              format of offsets is also described by RFC 3339.

              Valid options:

                {offset, Offset}:
                  The offset, either a string or an integer, to be included in
                  the formatted string. An empty string, which is the default,
                  is interpreted as local time. A non-empty string is included
                  as is. The time unit of the integer is the same as  the  one
                  of Time.

                {time_designator, Character}:
                  The character used as time designator, that is, the date and
                  time separator. The default is $T.

                {unit, Unit}:
                  The time unit of Time. The default is second. If some  other
                  unit is given (millisecond, microsecond, or nanosecond), the
                  formatted string includes a fraction of a second. The number
                  of fractional second digits is three, six, or nine depending
                  on what time unit is chosen. Notice that trailing zeros  are
                  not removed from the fraction.

              1> calendar:system_time_to_rfc3339(erlang:system_time(second)).
              2> calendar:system_time_to_rfc3339(erlang:system_time(second), [{offset, "-02:00"}]).
              3> calendar:system_time_to_rfc3339(erlang:system_time(second), [{offset, -7200}]).
              4> calendar:system_time_to_rfc3339(erlang:system_time(millisecond), [{unit, millisecond}, {time_designator, $\s}, {offset, "Z"}]).
              "2018-04-23 12:57:20.482Z"

       system_time_to_universal_time(Time, TimeUnit) -> datetime()


                 Time = integer()
                 TimeUnit = erlang:time_unit()

              Converts a specified system time into universal date and time.

       time_difference(T1, T2) -> {Days, Time}


                 T1 = T2 = datetime()
                 Days = integer()
                 Time = time()

              Returns the difference between two {Date, Time} tuples. T2 is to
              refer to an epoch later than T1.

              This function is obsolete. Use the conversion functions for gre-
              gorian days and seconds instead.

       time_to_seconds(Time) -> secs_per_day()


                 Time = time()
                 secs_per_day() = 0..86400

              Returns the number of seconds since midnight up to the specified

       universal_time() -> datetime()

              Returns the Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) reported by the un-
              derlying  operating system. Returns local time if universal time
              is unavailable.

       universal_time_to_local_time(DateTime) -> datetime()


                 DateTime = datetime1970()

              Converts from Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)  to  local  time.
              DateTime must refer to a date after Jan 1, 1970.

       valid_date(Date) -> boolean()

       valid_date(Year, Month, Day) -> boolean()


                 Date = date()
                 Year = Month = Day = integer()

              This function checks if a date is a valid.

       The  notion  that  every  fourth  year is a leap year is not completely
       true. By the Gregorian rule, a year Y is a leap year if one of the fol-
       lowing rules is valid:

         * Y is divisible by 4, but not by 100.

         * Y is divisible by 400.

       Hence, 1996 is a leap year, 1900 is not, but 2000 is.

       Local  time is obtained from the Erlang BIF localtime/0. Universal time
       is computed from the BIF universaltime/0.

       The following apply:

         * There are 86400 seconds in a day.

         * There are 365 days in an ordinary year.

         * There are 366 days in a leap year.

         * There are 1461 days in a 4 year period.

         * There are 36524 days in a 100 year period.

         * There are 146097 days in a 400 year period.

         * There are 719528 days between Jan 1, 0 and Jan 1, 1970.

Ericsson AB                       stdlib 3.13                   calendar(3erl)

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