
ct_property_test(3erl)     Erlang Module Definition     ct_property_test(3erl)

       ct_property_test  -  Support  in Common Test for running property-based

       This module helps running  property-based  tests  in  the  Common  Test
       framework. One (or more) of the property testing tools

         * QuickCheck,

         * PropEr or

         * Triq

       is assumed to be installed.

       The idea with this module is to have a Common Test test suite calling a
       property testing tool with special property test suites as  defined  by
       that  tool. The tests are collected in the test directory of the appli-
       cation. The test directory has a subdirectory property_test, where  ev-
       erything  needed for the property tests are collected. The usual Erlang
       application directory structure is assumed.

       A typical Common Test test suite using ct_property_test is organized as



        all() -> [prop_ftp_case].

        init_per_suite(Config) ->

        %%%---- test case
        prop_ftp_case(Config) ->

       and   the   the   property   test  module  (in  this  example  ftp_sim-
       ple_client_server.erl) as almost a usual property testing module  (More
       examples are in the User's Guide):



       prop_ftp() ->
           ?FORALL( ....

       init_per_suite(Config) -> Config | {skip, Reason}

              Initializes and extends Config for property based testing.

              This  function  investigates  if support is available for either
              QuickCheck, PropEr or Triq and compiles the properties with  the
              first   tool   found.  It  is  supposed  to  be  called  in  the
              init_per_suite/1 function in a CommonTest test suite.

              Which tools to check for, and in which order could be  set  with
              the option {prop_tools, list(eqc|proper|triq)} in the CommonTest
              configuration Config. The default value is [eqc,  proper,  triq]
              with eqc being the first one searched for.

              If  no  support  is  found  for  any tool, this function returns
              {skip, Explanation}.

              If support is found, the option  {property_test_tool,ToolModule}
              with the selected tool main module name (eqc, proper or triq) is
              added to the list Config which then is returned.

              The property tests are assumed to be  in  a  subdirectory  named
              property_test. All found Erlang files in that directory are com-
              piled with one of the macros 'EQC', 'PROPER' or 'TRIQ' set,  de-
              pending on which tool that is first found. This could make parts
              of the Erlang property tests code to  be  included  or  excluded
              with the macro directives -ifdef(Macro). or -ifndef(Macro)..

              The  file(s) in the property_test subdirectory could, or should,
              include the ct_property_test include file:


              This included file will:

                * Include the correct tool's include file

                * Set the macro 'MOD_eqc' to the correct module name  for  the
                  selected tool. That is, the macro 'MOD_eqc' is set to either
                  eqc, proper or triq.

       quickcheck(Property, Config) -> true | {fail, Reason}

              Calls the selected tool's function for running the Property.  It
              is usually and by historical reasons called quickcheck, and that
              is why that name is used in this module (ct_property_test).

              The result is returned in a form suitable for Common  Test  test

              This  function  is  intended  to be called in test cases in test

       present_result(Module, Cmds, Triple, Config) -> Result

              Same as present_result(Module, Cmds, Triple, Config, [])

       present_result(Module, Cmds, Triple, Config, Options) -> Result


                 Module = module()

                 Cmds =
                   the list of commands  generated  by  the  property  testing
                   tool,  for example by proper:commands/1 or by proper:paral-
                 Triple =
                   the  output  from  for  example  proper:run_commands/2   or
                 Config =
                   the Common Test Config in test cases.
                 Options = [present_option()]
                 present_option() = {print_fun, fun(Format,Args)}
                  | {spec, StatisticsSpec}
                   The  print_fun  defines  which  function  to  do the actual
                   printout. The default is ct:log/2. The  spec  defines  what
                   statistics are to be printed
                 Result = boolean()
                   Is false if the test failed and is true if the test passed

              Presents the result of stateful (statem) property testing  using
              the aggregate function in PropEr, QuickCheck  or  other  similar
              property testing tool.

              It  is  assumed  to  be  called  inside  the  property called by

              RunResult = run_parallel_commands(?MODULE, Cmds),
              ct_property_test:present_result(?MODULE, Cmds, RunResult, Config)

              See the User's Guide for an example of the usage and of the  de-
              fault printout.

              The StatisticsSpec is a list of the tuples:

                * {Title::string(), CollectFun::fun/1}

                * {Title::string(), FrequencyFun::/0, CollectFun::fun/1}

              Each  tuple  will produce one table in the order of their places
              in the list.

                * Title will be the title of one result table

                * CollectFun is called with one argument: the Cmds. It  should
                  return  a  list  of  the values to be counted. The following
                  pre-defined functions exist:

                  * ct_property_test:cmnd_names/1 returns a list  of  commands
                    (function  calls)  generated in the Cmnd sequence, without
                    Module, Arguments and other details.

                  * ct_property_test:num_calls/1 returns a list of the  length
                    of commands lists

                  * ct_property_test:sequential_parallel/1 returns a list with
                    information  about  sequential  and  parallel  parts  from

                * FrequencyFun/0  returns  a fun/1 which is supposed to take a
                  list of items as input, and return an iolist  wich  will  be
                  printed  as  the table. Per default, the number of each item
                  is counted and the percentage is printed for each. The  list
                  [a,b,a,a,c] could for example return

                 ["a 60%\n","b 20%\n","c 20%\n"]

                 a 60%
                 b 20%
                 c 20%

              The default StatisticsSpec is:

                * For sequential commands:

                [{"Function calls", fun cmnd_names/1},
                 {"Length of command sequences", fun print_frequency_ranges/0,
                                                                  fun num_calls/1}]

                * For parallel commands:

                [{"Distribution sequential/parallel", fun sequential_parallel/1},
                 {"Function calls", fun cmnd_names/1},
                 {"Length of command sequences", fun print_frequency_ranges/0,
                                                                  fun num_calls/1}]

Ericsson AB                    common_test 1.19         ct_property_test(3erl)

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