
ct_rpc(3erl)               Erlang Module Definition               ct_rpc(3erl)

       ct_rpc - Common Test specific layer on Erlang/OTP rpc.

       Common Test specific layer on Erlang/OTP rpc.

       app_node(App, Candidates) -> NodeName


                 App = atom()
                 Candidates = [NodeName]
                 NodeName = atom()

              From  a  set of candidate nodes determines which of them is run-
              ning the application App. If none of the candidate nodes is run-
              ning App, the function makes the test case calling this function
              to fail. This function is the same as calling app_node(App, Can-
              didates, true).

       app_node(App, Candidates, FailOnBadRPC) -> NodeName


                 App = atom()
                 Candidates = [NodeName]
                 NodeName = atom()
                 FailOnBadRPC = true | false

              Same as ct_rpc:app_node/2, except that argument FailOnBadRPC de-
              termines if the search for a candidate node is to stop if badrpc
              is received at some point.

       app_node(App, Candidates, FailOnBadRPC, Cookie) -> NodeName


                 App = atom()
                 Candidates = [NodeName]
                 NodeName = atom()
                 FailOnBadRPC = true | false
                 Cookie = atom()

              Same as ct_rpc:app_node/2, except that argument FailOnBadRPC de-
              termines if the search for a candidate node is to stop if badrpc
              is received at some point.

              The  cookie on the client node is set to Cookie for this rpc op-
              eration (used to match the server node cookie).

       call(Node, Module, Function, Args) -> term() | {badrpc, Reason}

              Same as call(Node, Module, Function, Args, infinity).

       call(Node, Module, Function, Args, TimeOut) -> term() |  {badrpc,  Rea-


                 Node = NodeName | {Fun, FunArgs}
                 Fun = function()
                 FunArgs = term()
                 NodeName = atom()
                 Module = atom()
                 Function = atom()
                 Args = [term()]
                 Reason = timeout | term()

              Evaluates  apply(Module,  Function,  Args) on the node Node. Re-
              turns either whatever Function returns, or {badrpc,  Reason}  if
              the  remote procedure call fails. If Node is {Fun, FunArgs}, ap-
              plying Fun to FunArgs is to return a node name.

       call(Node,  Module,  Function,  Args,  TimeOut,  Cookie)  ->  term()  |
       {badrpc, Reason}


                 Node = NodeName | {Fun, FunArgs}
                 Fun = function()
                 FunArgs = term()
                 NodeName = atom()
                 Module = atom()
                 Function = atom()
                 Args = [term()]
                 Reason = timeout | term()
                 Cookie = atom()

              Evaluates  apply(Module,  Function,  Args) on the node Node. Re-
              turns either whatever Function returns, or {badrpc,  Reason}  if
              the  remote procedure call fails. If Node is {Fun, FunArgs}, ap-
              plying Fun to FunArgs is to return a node name.

              The cookie on the client node is set to Cookie for this rpc  op-
              eration (used to match the server node cookie).

       cast(Node, Module, Function, Args) -> ok


                 Node = NodeName | {Fun, FunArgs}
                 Fun = function()
                 FunArgs = term()
                 NodeName = atom()
                 Module = atom()
                 Function = atom()
                 Args = [term()]
                 Reason = timeout | term()

              Evaluates apply(Module, Function, Args) on the node Node. No re-
              sponse is delivered and the process that makes the call  is  not
              suspended  until  the  evaluation is completed as in the case of
              call/3,4. If Node is {Fun, FunArgs}, applying Fun to FunArgs  is
              to return a node name.

       cast(Node, Module, Function, Args, Cookie) -> ok


                 Node = NodeName | {Fun, FunArgs}
                 Fun = function()
                 FunArgs = term()
                 NodeName = atom()
                 Module = atom()
                 Function = atom()
                 Args = [term()]
                 Reason = timeout | term()
                 Cookie = atom()

              Evaluates apply(Module, Function, Args) on the node Node. No re-
              sponse is delivered and the process that makes the call  is  not
              suspended  until  the  evaluation is completed as in the case of
              call/3,4. If Node is {Fun, FunArgs}, applying Fun to FunArgs  is
              to return a node name.

              The  cookie on the client node is set to Cookie for this rpc op-
              eration (used to match the server node cookie).

Ericsson AB                    common_test 1.19                   ct_rpc(3erl)

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