
dialyzer(3erl)             Erlang Module Definition             dialyzer(3erl)

       dialyzer - Dialyzer, a DIscrepancy AnaLYZer for ERlang programs.

       Dialyzer  is a static analysis tool that identifies software discrepan-
       cies, such as definite type errors, code that has become  dead  or  un-
       reachable  because of programming error, and unnecessary tests, in sin-
       gle Erlang modules or entire (sets of) applications.

       Dialyzer starts its analysis from either debug-compiled  BEAM  bytecode
       or  from  Erlang source code. The file and line number of a discrepancy
       is reported along with an indication of what the discrepancy is  about.
       Dialyzer  bases  its  analysis on the concept of success typings, which
       allows for sound warnings (no false positives).

       Dialyzer has a command-line version for  automated  use.  This  section
       provides  a  brief description of the options. The same information can
       be obtained by writing the following in a shell:

       dialyzer --help

       For more details about the operation of Dialyzer,  see  section   Using
       Dialyzer from the GUI in the User's Guide.

       Exit status of the command-line version:

           No  problems  were  found  during the analysis and no warnings were

           Problems were found during the analysis.

           No problems were found during the analysis, but warnings were emit-


       dialyzer [--add_to_plt] [--apps applications] [--build_plt]
                [--check_plt] [-Ddefine]* [-Dname] [--dump_callgraph file]
                [files_or_dirs] [--fullpath] [--get_warnings] [--gui] [--help]
                [-I include_dir]* [--no_check_plt] [--no_indentation] [--no_native]
                [--no_native_cache] [-o outfile] [--output_plt file] [-pa dir]*
                [--plt plt] [--plt_info] [--plts plt*] [--quiet] [-r dirs]
                [--raw] [--remove_from_plt] [--shell] [--src] [--statistics]
                [--verbose] [--version] [-Wwarn]*

       * denotes that multiple occurrences of the option are possible.


           The PLT is extended to also include the files specified with -c and
           -r. Use --plt to specify which PLT to start from, and  --output_plt
           to  specify where to put the PLT. Notice that the analysis possibly
           can include files from the PLT if they depend  on  the  new  files.
           This option only works for BEAM files.

         --apps applications:
           This  option  is typically used when building or modifying a PLT as

         dialyzer --build_plt --apps erts kernel stdlib mnesia ...

           to refer conveniently to library applications corresponding to  the
           Erlang/OTP  installation.  However,  this option is general and can
           also be used during analysis to refer to  Erlang/OTP  applications.
           File or directory names can also be included, as in:

         dialyzer --apps inets ssl ./ebin ../other_lib/ebin/my_module.beam

           The  analysis  starts  from an empty PLT and creates a new one from
           the files specified with -c and -r. This option only works for BEAM
           files.  To  override  the default PLT location, use --plt or --out-

           Check the PLT for consistency and rebuild it if it  is  not  up-to-

         -Dname (or -Dname=value):
           When analyzing from source, pass the define to Dialyzer. (**)

         --dump_callgraph file:
           Dump  the call graph into the specified file whose format is deter-
           mined by the filename extension.  Supported  extensions  are:  raw,
           dot,  and  ps. If something else is used as filename extension, de-
           fault format .raw is used.

         files_or_dirs (for backward compatibility also as -c files_or_dirs):
           Use Dialyzer from the command line to detect defects in the  speci-
           fied files or directories containing .erl or .beam files, depending
           on the type of the analysis.

           Display the full path names of files for which warnings  are  emit-

           Make  Dialyzer  emit warnings even when manipulating the PLT. Warn-
           ings are only emitted for files that are analyzed.

           Use the GUI.

         --help (or -h):
           Print this message and exit.

         -I include_dir:
           When analyzing from source, pass the include_dir to Dialyzer. (**)

           Skip the PLT check when running Dialyzer. This is useful when work-
           ing with installed PLTs that never change.

           Do not insert line breaks in types, contracts, and Erlang Code when
           formatting warnings.

         --no_native (or -nn):
           Bypass the native code compilation of some key files that  Dialyzer
           heuristically  performs  when dialyzing many files. This avoids the
           compilation time, but can result in (much) longer analysis time.

           By default, Dialyzer caches the results of  native  compilation  in
           directory               $XDG_CACHE_HOME/erlang/dialyzer_hipe_cache.
           XDG_CACHE_HOME defaults to $HOME/.cache. Use this option to disable

         -o outfile (or --output outfile):
           When  using  Dialyzer  from the command line, send the analysis re-
           sults to the specified outfile rather than to stdout.

         --output_plt file:
           Store the PLT at the specified file after building it.

         -pa dir:
           Include dir in the path for Erlang. This is useful  when  analyzing
           files that have -include_lib() directives.

         --plt plt:
           Use the specified PLT as the initial PLT. If the PLT was built dur-
           ing setup, the files are checked for consistency.

           Make Dialyzer print information about the PLT and  then  quit.  The
           PLT can be specified with --plt(s).

         --plts plt*:
           Merge  the  specified PLTs to create the initial PLT. This requires
           that the PLTs are disjoint (that is, do not have any module appear-
           ing in more than one PLT). The PLTs are created in the usual way:

         dialyzer --build_plt --output_plt plt_1 files_to_include
         dialyzer --build_plt --output_plt plt_n files_to_include

           They can then be used in either of the following ways:

         dialyzer files_to_analyze --plts plt_1 ... plt_n


         dialyzer --plts plt_1 ... plt_n -- files_to_analyze

           Notice the -- delimiter in the second case.

         --quiet (or -q):
           Make Dialyzer a bit more quiet.

         -r dirs:
           Same  as  files_or_dirs, but the specified directories are searched
           recursively for subdirectories containing .erl or  .beam  files  in
           them, depending on the type of analysis.

           When  using Dialyzer from the command line, output the raw analysis
           results (Erlang terms) instead of the  formatted  result.  The  raw
           format  is  easier to post-process (for example, to filter warnings
           or to output HTML pages).

           The information from the files specified with -c and -r is  removed
           from  the  PLT.  Notice that this can cause a reanalysis of the re-
           maining dependent files.

           Do not disable the Erlang shell while running the GUI.

           Override the default, which is to analyze BEAM files,  and  analyze
           starting from Erlang source code instead.

           Print information about the progress of execution (analysis phases,
           time spent in each, and size of the relative input).

           Make Dialyzer a bit more verbose.

         --version (or -v):
           Print the Dialyzer version and some more information and exit.

           A family of options that selectively  turn  on/off  warnings.  (For
           help  on  the  names of warnings, use dialyzer -Whelp.) Notice that
           the options can also be specified in the file  with  a  -dialyzer()
           attribute. For details, see section Requesting or Suppressing Warn-
           ings in Source Files.

       ** options -D and -I work both from the command line and  in  the  Dia-
       lyzer  GUI; the syntax of defines and includes is the same as that used
       by erlc(1).

       Warning options:

         -Werror_handling (***):
           Include warnings for functions that only return by an exception.

           Suppress warnings about behavior callbacks that drift from the pub-
           lished recommended interfaces.

           Suppress warnings about invalid contracts.

           Suppress warnings for failing calls.

           Suppress warnings for fun applications that will fail.

           Suppress warnings for construction of improper lists.

           Suppress warnings for patterns that are unused or cannot match.

           Suppress warnings about calls to missing functions.

           Suppress warnings for violations of opacity of data types.

           Suppress warnings for functions that will never return a value.

           Suppress warnings about behaviors that have no -callback attributes
           for their callbacks.

           Suppress warnings for unused functions.

         -Wrace_conditions (***):
           Include warnings for possible  race  conditions.  Notice  that  the
           analysis  that finds data races performs intra-procedural data flow
           analysis and can sometimes explode in time. Enable it at  your  own

         -Wunderspecs (***):
           Warn  about underspecified functions (the specification is strictly
           more allowing than the success typing).

         -Wunknown (***):
           Let warnings about unknown functions and types affect the exit sta-
           tus  of the command-line version. The default is to ignore warnings
           about unknown functions and types when  setting  the  exit  status.
           When  using  Dialyzer from Erlang, warnings about unknown functions
           and types are returned; the default is not to  return  these  warn-

         -Wunmatched_returns (***):
           Include warnings for function calls that ignore a structured return
           value or do not match against one of many possible return value(s).

       The following options are also available, but their use is  not  recom-
       mended  (they  are  mostly  for Dialyzer developers and internal debug-

         -Woverspecs (***):
           Warn about overspecified functions (the specification  is  strictly
           less allowing than the success typing).

         -Wspecdiffs (***):
           Warn when the specification is different than the success typing.

       *** denotes options that turn on warnings rather than turning them off.

       Dialyzer  can  be  used directly from Erlang. Both the GUI and the com-
       mand-line versions are also available. The options are similar  to  the
       ones  given from the command line, see section  Using Dialyzer from the
       Command Line.

       Attribute -dialyzer() can be used for turning off warnings in a  module
       by  specifying  functions  or warning options. For example, to turn off
       all warnings for the function f/0, include the following line:

       -dialyzer({nowarn_function, f/0}).

       To turn off warnings for improper lists, add the following line to  the
       source file:


       Attribute  -dialyzer() is allowed after function declarations. Lists of
       warning options or functions are allowed:

       -dialyzer([{nowarn_function, [f/0]}, no_improper_lists]).

       Warning options can be restricted to functions:

       -dialyzer({no_improper_lists, g/0}).

       -dialyzer({[no_return, no_match], [g/0, h/0]}).

       For help on the warning options, use dialyzer -Whelp. The  options  are
       also enumerated, see function gui/1 below (WarnOpts).

       Warning  option  -Wrace_conditions  has  no  effect  when set in source

       Attribute -dialyzer() can also be used for turning on warnings. For ex-
       ample,  if  a module has been fixed regarding unmatched returns, adding
       the following line can help in assuring that no  new  unmatched  return
       warnings are introduced:


       format_warning(Msg) -> string()


                 Msg = {Tag, Id, msg()}
                   See run/1.

              Get a string from warnings as returned by run/1.

       format_warning(Msg, Options) -> string()


                 Msg = {Tag, Id, msg()}
                   See run/1.
                 Options = [{indent_opt, boolean()}]

              Get a string from warnings as returned by run/1.

              If indent_opt is set to true (default), line breaks are inserted
              in types, contracts, and Erlang code to improve readability.

       gui() -> ok | {error, Msg}
       gui(OptList) -> ok | {error, Msg}


                   See below.

              Dialyzer GUI version.

              OptList  :: [Option]
              Option   :: {files,          [Filename :: string()]}
                        | {files_rec,      [DirName :: string()]}
                        | {defines,        [{Macro :: atom(), Value :: term()}]}
                        | {from,           src_code | byte_code}
                                             %% Defaults to byte_code
                        | {init_plt,       FileName :: string()}
                                             %% If changed from default
                        | {plts,           [FileName :: string()]}
                                             %% If changed from default
                        | {include_dirs,   [DirName :: string()]}
                        | {output_file,    FileName :: string()}
                        | {output_plt,     FileName :: string()}
                        | {check_plt,      boolean()},
                        | {analysis_type,  'succ_typings' |
                                           'plt_add' |
                                           'plt_build' |
                                           'plt_check' |
                        | {warnings,       [WarnOpts]}
                        | {get_warnings,   boolean()}
                        | {native,         boolean()}
                                             %% Defaults to false when invoked from Erlang
                        | {native_cache,   boolean()}

              WarnOpts :: error_handling
                        | no_behaviours
                        | no_contracts
                        | no_fail_call
                        | no_fun_app
                        | no_improper_lists
                        | no_match
                     | no_missing_calls
                        | no_opaque
                     | no_return
                        | no_undefined_callbacks
                        | no_unused
                        | race_conditions
                        | underspecs
                        | unknown
                        | unmatched_returns
                        | overspecs
                        | specdiffs

       plt_info(string()) -> {'ok', [{atom(), any()}]} | {'error', atom()}

              Returns information about the specified PLT.

       run(OptList) -> Warnings


                   See gui/0,1.
                   See below.

              Dialyzer command-line version.

              Warnings :: [{Tag, Id, Msg}]
              Tag      :: 'warn_behaviour'
                        | 'warn_bin_construction'
                        | 'warn_callgraph'
                        | 'warn_contract_not_equal'
                        | 'warn_contract_range'
                        | 'warn_contract_subtype'
                        | 'warn_contract_supertype'
                        | 'warn_contract_syntax'
                        | 'warn_contract_types'
                        | 'warn_failing_call'
                        | 'warn_fun_app'
                        | 'warn_matching'
                        | 'warn_non_proper_list'
                        | 'warn_not_called'
                        | 'warn_opaque'
                        | 'warn_race_condition'
                        | 'warn_return_no_exit'
                        | 'warn_return_only_exit'
                        | 'warn_umatched_return'
                        | 'warn_undefined_callbacks'
                        | 'warn_unknown'
              Id  = {File :: string(), Line :: integer()}
              Msg = msg() -- Undefined

Ericsson AB                      dialyzer 4.2                   dialyzer(3erl)

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