
grammar::me_vm(3tcl)     Grammar operations and usage     grammar::me_vm(3tcl)


       grammar::me_vm - Virtual machine for parsing token streams

       Please go and read the document grammar::me_intro first for an overview
       of the various documents and their relations.

       This document specifies a virtual machine for the  controlled  matching
       and  parsing  of token streams, creating an abstract syntax tree (short
       AST) reflecting the structure of the input.  Special  machine  features
       are  the  caching  and reuse of partial results, caching of the encoun-
       tered input, and the ability to backtrack in both input  and  AST  cre-

       These  features make the specified virtual machine especially useful to
       packrat parsers based on parsing expression grammars. It is however not
       restricted  to this type of parser. Normal LL and LR parsers can be im-
       plemented with it as well.

       The following sections will discuss first the abstract state kept by ME
       virtual machines, and then their instruction set.

       A ME virtual machine manages the following state:

       Current token CT
              The token from the input under consideration by the machine.

              This  information  is  used and modified by the instructions de-
              fined in the section TERMINAL MATCHING.

       Current location CL
              The location of the current token in the input stream, as offset
              relative to the beginning of the stream. The first token is con-
              sidered to be at offset 0.

              This information is implicitly used and modified by the instruc-
              tions  defined in the sections TERMINAL MATCHING and NONTERMINAL
              MATCHING, and can be directly queried and modified  by  the  in-
              structions defined in section INPUT LOCATION HANDLING.

       Location stack LS
              In addition to the above a stack of locations, for backtracking.
              Locations can put on the stack, removed  from  it,  and  removed
              with setting the current location.

              This information is implicitly used and modified by the instruc-
              tions defined in the sections TERMINAL MATCHING and  NONTERMINAL
              MATCHING,  and  can  be directly queried and modified by the in-
              structions defined in section INPUT LOCATION HANDLING.

       Match status OK
              A boolean value, the result of the last attempt at matching  in-
              put.   It  is  set  to  true if that attempt was successful, and
              false otherwise.

              This information is influenced by the  instructions  defined  in
              DITIONAL MATCHING.  It is queried by the instructions defined in
              the section CONTROL FLOW.

       Semantic value SV
              The  semantic  value associated with (generated by) the last at-
              tempt at matching input. Contains either the empty string  or  a
              node for the abstract syntax tree constructed from the input.

              This  information  is  influenced by the instructions defined in
              the sections SEMANTIC VALUES, and AST STACK HANDLING.

       AST stack AS
              A stack of partial abstract syntax trees constructed by the  ma-
              chine during matching.

              This  information  is  influenced by the instructions defined in
              the sections SEMANTIC VALUES, and AST STACK HANDLING.

       AST Marker stack MS
              In addition to the above a stack of  stacks,  for  backtracking.
              This is actually a stack of markers into the AST stack, thus im-
              plicitly snapshooting the state of the AST stack at  some  point
              in  time.  Markers can be put on the stack, dropped from it, and
              used to roll back the AST stack to an earlier state.

              This information is influenced by the  instructions  defined  in
              the sections SEMANTIC VALUES, and AST STACK HANDLING.

       Error status ER
              Error  information  associated with the last attempt at matching
              input. Contains either the empty string or a list of 2 elements,
              a  location in the input and a list of error messages associated
              with it, in this order.

              Note that error information can be set even if the last  attempt
              at  matching  input  was  successful. For example the *-operator
              (matching a sub-expression zero or more times) in a parsing  ex-
              pression  grammar  is always successful, even if it encounters a
              problem further in the input and has to backtrack. Such problems
              must not be forgotten when continuing to match.

              This  information  is queried and influenced by the instructions
              defined in the sections TERMINAL MATCHING, NONTERMINAL MATCHING,
              and ERROR HANDLING.

       Error stack ES
              In  addition to the above a stack of error information, to allow
              the merging of current and older error information when perform-
              ing backtracking in choices after an unsucessful match.

              This  information  is queried and influenced by the instructions
              defined in the sections TERMINAL MATCHING, NONTERMINAL MATCHING,
              and ERROR HANDLING.

       Return stack RS
              A  stack  of  program counter values, i.e. locations in the code
              controlling the virtual machine, for the management  of  subrou-
              tine calls, i.e. the matching of nonterminal symbols.

              This  information  is queried and influenced by the instructions
              defined in the section NONTERMINAL MATCHING.

       Nonterminal cache NC
              A cache of machine states (A 4-tuple containing  a  location  in
              the  input, match status OK, semantic value SV, and error status
              ER) keyed by name of nonterminal symbol and location in the  in-
              put stream.

              The  key  location is where machine started the attempt to match
              the named nonterminal symbol, and the location in the  value  is
              where  machine ended up after the attempt completed, independent
              of the success of the attempt.

              This status is queried and influenced by  the  instructions  de-
              fined in the section NONTERMINAL MATCHING.

       With  the machine state specified it is now possible to explain the in-
       struction set of ME virtual machines. They are grouped roughly  by  the
       machine state they influence and/or query.

       First  the  instructions  to match tokens from the input stream, and by
       extension all terminal symbols.

       These instructions are the only ones which may  retrieve  a  new  token
       from  the  input  stream.  This is a may and not a will because the in-
       structions will a retrieve new token if, and only if the current  loca-
       tion  CL  is at the head of the stream.  If the machine has backtracked
       (see icl_rewind) the instructions will retrieve the  token  to  compare
       against from the internal cache.

       ict_advance message
              This instruction tries to advance to the next token in the input
              stream, i.e. the one after the current location CL. The instruc-
              tion  will  fail  if, and only if the end of the input stream is
              reached, i.e. if there is no next token.

              The sucess/failure of the instruction is remembered in the match
              status  OK. In the case of failure the error status ER is set to
              the current location and the message message.  In  the  case  of
              success  the  error  status ER is cleared, the new token is made
              the current token CT, and the new location is made  the  current
              location CL.

              The  argument  message  is a reference to the string to put into
              the error status ER, if such is needed.

       ict_match_token tok message
              This instruction tests the current token CT  for  equality  with
              the  argument tok and records the result in the match status OK.
              The instruction fails if the current token is not equal to tok.

              In case of failure the error status ER is set to the current lo-
              cation  CL  and the message message, and the current location CL
              is moved one token backwards.  Otherwise, i.e. upon success, the
              error  status  ER  is cleared and the current location CL is not

       ict_match_tokrange tokbegin tokend message
              This instruction tests the current token CT  for  being  in  the
              range  of tokens from tokbegin to tokend (inclusive) and records
              the result in the match status OK. The instruction fails if  the
              current token is not inside the range.

              In case of failure the error status ER is set to the current lo-
              cation CL and the message message, and the current  location  CL
              is moved one token backwards.  Otherwise, i.e. upon success, the
              error status ER is cleared and the current location  CL  is  not

       ict_match_tokclass code message
              This  instruction  tests the current token CT for being a member
              of the token class code and records the result in the match sta-
              tus OK. The instruction fails if the current token is not a mem-
              ber of the specified class.

              In case of failure the error status ER is set to the current lo-
              cation  CL  and the message message, and the current location CL
              is moved one token backwards.  Otherwise, i.e. upon success, the
              error  status  ER  is cleared and the current location CL is not

              Currently the following classes are legal:

              alnum  A token is accepted if it is a unicode alphabetical char-
                     acter, or a digit.

              alpha  A token is accepted if it is a unicode alphabetical char-

              digit  A token is accepted if it is a unicode digit character.

              xdigit A token is accepted if it is a hexadecimal digit  charac-

              punct  A  token is accepted if it is a unicode punctuation char-

              space  A token is accepted if it is a unicode space character.

       The instructions in this section handle  the  matching  of  nonterminal
       symbols. They query the nonterminal cache NC for saved information, and
       put such information into the cache.

       The usage of the cache is a performance aid for  backtracking  parsers,
       allowing them to avoid an expensive rematch of complex nonterminal sym-
       bols if they have been encountered before.

       inc_restore branchlabel nt
              This instruction checks if the nonterminal cache NC contains in-
              formation  about the nonterminal symbol nt, at the current loca-
              tion CL. If that is the case the instruction will update the ma-
              chine  state  (current  location  CL,  match status OK, semantic
              value SV, and error status ER) with the  found  information  and
              continue  execution at the instruction refered to by the branch-
              label. The new current  location  CL  will  be  the  last  token
              matched by the nonterminal symbol, i.e. belonging to it.

              If no information was found the instruction will continue execu-
              tion at the next instruction.

              Together with icf_ntcall it is possible  to  generate  code  for
              memoized  and  non-memoized matching of nonterminal symbols, ei-
              ther as subroutine calls, or inlined in the caller.

       inc_save nt
              This instruction saves the current state of the machine (current
              location  CL, match status OK, semantic value SV, and error sta-
              tus ER), to the nonterminal cache NC. It will also pop an  entry
              from  the location stack LS and save it as the start location of
              the match.

              It is expected to be called at the end of matching a nonterminal
              symbol,  with nt the name of the nonterminal symbol the code was
              working on. This allows the instruction inc_restore to check for
              and  retrieve the data, should we have to match this nonterminal
              symbol at the same location again, during backtracking.

       icf_ntcall branchlabel
              This instruction invokes the code for matching  the  nonterminal
              symbol  nt  as  a  subroutine. To this end it stores the current
              program counter PC on the return stack RS, the current  location
              CL on the location stack LS, and then continues execution at the
              address branchlabel.

              The next matching icf_ntreturn will cause the execution to  con-
              tinue at the instruction coming after the call.

              This instruction will pop an entry from the return stack RS, as-
              sign it to the program counter PC, and then  continue  execution
              at the new address.

       The  instructions  in  this  section are the remaining match operators.
       They change the match status OK directly and unconditionally.

       iok_ok This instruction sets the match status OK to true, indicating  a
              successful match.

              This instruction sets the match status OK to false, indicating a
              failed match.

              This instruction negates the match status OK, turning a  failure
              into a success and vice versa.

       The  instructions in this section implement both conditional and uncon-
       ditional control flow. The conditional jumps query the match status OK.

       icf_jalways branchlabel
              This instruction sets the program  counter  PC  to  the  address
              specified  by  branchlabel  and  then  continues  execution from
              there. This is an unconditional jump.

       icf_jok branchlabel
              This instruction sets the program  counter  PC  to  the  address
              specified by branchlabel. This happens if, and only if the match
              status OK indicates a success. Otherwise it simply continues ex-
              ecution at the next instruction. This is a conditional jump.

       icf_jfail branchlabel
              This  instruction  sets  the  program  counter PC to the address
              specified by branchlabel. This happens if, and only if the match
              status OK indicates a failure. Otherwise it simply continues ex-
              ecution at the next instruction. This is a conditional jump.

              This instruction halts the machine and blocks any further execu-

       The  instructions in this section are for backtracking, they manipulate
       the current location CL of the machine state.  They allow a user of the
       machine  to  query  and  save locations in the input, and to rewind the
       current location CL to saved locations, making them one of  the  compo-
       nents enabling the implementation of backtracking parsers.

              This instruction pushes a copy of the current location CL on the
              location stack LS.

              This instruction pops an entry from the location  stack  LS  and
              then moves the current location CL back to this point in the in-

              This instruction pops an entry from the location  stack  LS  and
              discards it.

       The  instructions  in this section provide read and write access to the
       error status ER of the machine.

              This instruction pushes a copy of the current error status ER on
              the error stack ES.

              This instruction clears the error status ER.

       ier_nonterminal message
              This instruction checks if the error status ER contains an error
              whose location is just past the location found in the top  entry
              of  the  location stack LS.  Nothing happens if no such error is
              found.  Otherwise the found error is replaced by an error at the
              location found on the stack, having the message message.

              This  instruction  pops an entry from the error stack ES, merges
              it with the current error status ER and stores the result of the
              merge as the new error status ER.

              The merge is performed as described below:

              If  one of the two error states is empty the other is chosen. If
              neither error state is empty, and refering  to  different  loca-
              tions, then the error state with the location further in the in-
              put is chosen. If both error states refer to the  same  location
              their messages are merged (with removing duplicates).

       The instructions in this section manipulate the semantic value SV.

              This instruction clears the semantic value SV.

              This instruction creates a terminal AST node for the current to-
              ken CT, makes it the semantic value SV, and also pushes the node
              on the AST stack AS.

       isv_nonterminal_leaf nt
              This  instruction  creates  a  nonterminal  AST node without any
              children for the nonterminal nt, and makes it the semantic value

              This  instruction  should  be executed if, and only if the match
              status OK indicates  a  success.   In  the  case  of  a  failure
              isv_clear should be called.

       isv_nonterminal_range nt
              This  instruction creates a nonterminal AST node for the nonter-
              minal nt, with a single terminal node as its  child,  and  makes
              this  AST the semantic value SV. The terminal node refers to the
              input string from the location found  on  top  of  the  location
              stack LS to the current location CL (both inclusive).

              This  instruction  should  be executed if, and only if the match
              status OK indicates  a  success.   In  the  case  of  a  failure
              isv_clear should be called.

       isv_nonterminal_reduce nt
              This  instruction creates a nonterminal AST node for the nonter-
              minal nt and makes it the semantic value SV.

              All entries on the AST stack AS above the marker  found  in  the
              top  entry of the AST Marker stack MS become children of the new
              node, with the entry at the stack  top  becoming  the  rightmost
              child.  If  the  AST Marker stack MS is empty the whole stack is
              used. The AST marker stack MS is left unchanged.

              This instruction should be executed if, and only  if  the  match
              status  OK  indicates  a  success.   In  the  case  of a failure
              isv_clear should be called.

       The instructions in this section manipulate the AST stack AS,  and  the
       AST Marker stack MS.

              This  instruction  pushes the semantic value SV on the AST stack

              This instruction pushes a marker for the current  state  of  the
              AST stack AS on the AST Marker stack MS.

              This  instruction pops an entry from the AST Marker stack MS and
              then proceeds to pop entries from the AST  stack  AS  until  the
              state  represented  by the popped marker has been reached again.
              Nothing is done if the AST stack AS is already smaller than  in-
              dicated by the popped marker.

              This  instruction pops an entry from the AST Marker stack MS and
              discards it.

       This document, and the package it describes, will  undoubtedly  contain
       bugs and other problems.  Please report such in the category grammar_me
       of the Tcllib Trackers [].   Please
       also  report any ideas for enhancements you may have for either package
       and/or documentation.

       When proposing code changes, please provide unified diffs, i.e the out-
       put of diff -u.

       Note  further  that  attachments  are  strongly  preferred over inlined
       patches. Attachments can be made by going  to  the  Edit  form  of  the
       ticket  immediately  after  its  creation, and then using the left-most
       button in the secondary navigation bar.

       grammar, parsing, virtual machine

       Grammars and finite automata

       Copyright (c) 2005 Andreas Kupries <>

tcllib                                0.1                 grammar::me_vm(3tcl)

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