
ssl(7)                   Erlang Application Definition                  ssl(7)

       ssl - The ssl application provides secure communication over

       The  ssl application is an implementation of the SSL, TLS and DTLS pro-
       tocols in Erlang.

       For current statement of standards compliance see the User's Guide.

       The SSL application uses the public_key, asn1 and Crypto application to
       handle  public  keys  and  encryption, hence these applications must be
       loaded for the SSL application to work. In an embedded environment this
       means  they must be started with application:start/[1,2] before the SSL
       application is started.

       The application environment configuration parameters  in  this  section
       are defined for the SSL application. For more information about config-
       uration parameters, see the application(3erl) manual page in Kernel.

       The environment parameters can be set on the command line, for example:

       erl -ssl protocol_version "['tlsv1.2', 'tlsv1.1']"

         protocol_version = ssl:ssl_tls_protocol()<optional>:
           Protocol supported by started clients and servers. If  this  option
           is  not  set, it defaults to all TLS protocols currently supported,
           more might be configurable, by the SSL application. This option can
           be  overridden  by  the  version  option  to  ssl:connect/[2,3] and

         dtls_protocol_version = ssl:dtls_protocol()<optional>:
           Protocol supported by started clients and servers. If  this  option
           is  not set, it defaults to all DTLS protocols currently supported,
           more might be configurable, by the SSL application. This option can
           be  overridden  by  the  version  option  to  ssl:connect/[2,3] and

         session_lifetime = integer() <optional>:
           Maximum lifetime of the session data in  seconds.  Defaults  to  24
           hours  which  is the maximum recommended lifetime by RFC 5246. How-
           ever sessions may be invalidated earlier due to the maximum limita-
           tion of the session cache table.

         session_cb = atom() <optional>:
           Name  of  the  session  cache  callback  module that implements the
           ssl_session_cache_api behavior. Defaults to ssl_session_cache.

         session_cb_init_args = proplist:proplist() <optional>:
           List of extra user-defined arguments to the init  function  in  the
           session cache callback module. Defaults to [].

         session_cache_client_max = integer() <optional>
           :  Limits the growth of the clients session cache, that is how many
           sessions towards servers that are cached to be used by  new  client
           connections. If the maximum number of sessions is reached, the cur-
           rent cache entries will be invalidated regardless of their  remain-
           ing  lifetime. Defaults to 1000. Recommended ssl-8.2.1 or later for
           this option to work as intended.

         session_cache_server_max = integer() <optional>:
           Limits the growth of the servers session cache, that  is  how  many
           client  sessions are cached by the server. If the maximum number of
           sessions is reached, the current cache entries will be  invalidated
           regardless  of  their  remaining lifetime. Defaults to 1000. Recom-
           mended ssl-8.2.1 or later for this option to work as intended.

         ssl_pem_cache_clean = integer() <optional>:
           Number of milliseconds between PEM cache validations. Defaults to 2

         bypass_pem_cache = boolean() <optional>:
           Introduced  in  ssl-8.0.2. Disables the PEM-cache. Can be used as a
           workaround for the PEM-cache bottleneck before ssl-8.1.1.  Defaults
           to false.

         alert_timeout = integer() <optional>:
           Number of milliseconds between sending of a fatal alert and closing
           the connection. Waiting a little while improves the  peers  chances
           to  properly receiving the alert so it may shutdown gracefully. De-
           faults to 5000 milliseconds.

         internal_active_n = integer() <optional>:
           For TLS connections this value  is  used  to  handle  the  internal
           socket. As the implementation was changed from an active once to an
           active N behavior (N = 100), for performance reasons,  this  option
           exist  for  possible tweaking or restoring of the old behavior (in-
           ternal_active_n = 1) in unforeseen scenarios. The option  will  not
           affect  erlang distribution over TLS that will always run in active
           N mode. Added in ssl-9.1 (OTP-21.2).

         server_session_tickets_amount = integer() <optional>:
           Number of session tickets sent by the server. It  must  be  greater
           than 0. Defaults to 3.

         server_session_ticket_lifetime = integer() <optional>:
           Lifetime  of  session  tickets sent by the server. Servers must not
           use any value greater than 604800 seconds (7 days). Expired tickets
           are automatically removed. Defaults to 7200 seconds (2 hours).

         server_session_ticket_store_size = integer() <optional>:
           Sets  the maximum size of the server session ticket store (stateful
           tickets). Defaults to 1000. Size limit is enforced by dropping  old

         client_session_ticket_lifetime = integer() <optional>:
           Lifetime  of  session  tickets  in the client ticket store. Expired
           tickets are automatically removed.  Defaults  to  7200  seconds  (2

         client_session_ticket_store_size = integer() <optional>:
           Sets  the maximum size of the client session ticket store. Defaults
           to 1000. Size limit is enforced by dropping old tickets.

       The SSL application uses OTP logger. TLS/DTLS alerts are logged on  no-
       tice  level. Unexpected errors are logged on error level. These log en-
       tries will by default end up in the  default  Erlang  log.  The  option
       log_level may be used to in run-time to set the log level of a specific
       TLS connection, which is handy when you want to use level debug to  in-
       spect the TLS handshake setup.


Ericsson AB                        ssl 10.0                             ssl(7)

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